Fitgirl Friday: Nochtli (English)

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This Fitgirls proves, once again, that it is quite possible to have a different crush every week. We talked about no one else this week with the editors: Nochtli. And today, on Fitgirl Friday , we share it with you!

Interview with Nochtli

Nochtli (pronounced as Nostli, with a very soft T) has a name (Peralta Alvarez) which you do not often encounter in the Netherlands and not at all associated with stews and rainy summers. After all she is just born in our little cold country, but she definitely has some Latin American blood. In fact, she is half-Mexican! This 24-year-old babe is living with her man in Noord-Holland, which she is together for over six years now. Aiaaiaaiiii!

Dutch and Mexican! Did you name a specific meaning? 
“Yes it does, there is a large cactus topped with a pink flower on the Mexican flag. The flower is a Nochtli. This is where my name refers to. “

Nochtli – Manify Fitgirl Friday (5)Great! Tell us more about yourself :-)!
“After high school I went straight to the Police Academy. All my life I wanted to join the police force. I worked at the police from when I was 17 until I was 23 years old. I was an officer on the street. I’ve really been through the most bizarre things, but it was my dream job. It was a gratefull job and I will never forget my time there. It has shaped me into the person I am today. Despite I might not be the “stereo type” officer, I never wanted anything else. In addition, I was also a model (From the age of 15), not yet in the world of fitness, but for beauty campaigns in the fashion scene. It was always very difficult for me to get good jobs because I always was ’too big and chubby’ . I know it sounds ridiculous. Besides that I always had to take notice that I worked at the police. My love for fitness has always been there, so to be honest I refused to change my body type to fit in the “ fashion scene “. The curvy side of life was way more attractive for me, then to be very thin. Eventually it would only be to fit into that world of modelling. After years of trying to break through as a model, I was done with it, and just at the moment I wanted to let go of this dream I met Tavi Castro, the owner of Body Engineers. Now I work for Body Engineers as an athlete and model. I also work for Shredz Europe as an athlete and model. “

How did the love for a healthy lifestyle and fitness began?  
“I always followed many fitness models and found my own motivation from their social media channels. I always wondered how they created such a beautiful bodies. At a certain point I always felt tired, not in my energy and not in shape. I was so done with it, that I decided to throw my life around and started to create the body I wanted. To be honest, the first years I did not know what to do and how to do it exactly. But together with my boyfriend I grew in knowledge and started to put it in work. I also obtained my Fitvak A (Personal Trainer education) and taught myself how I could create good meal plans and exercise programs. I tested everything on myself, just until I had found the right formula. I felt better and it started to become an addiction! My health is now better than ever and I’m much more comfortable in my own skin!”

You are doing a great job on Instagram, 88k followers! Are you (already) a ‘full-time Fitgirl? 
“Well my Instagram is growing so fast nowadays, something which I’m very grateful for. I appreciate my followers a lot and love that they support me so much. Somethimes it’s unreal!  It’s really great to see how many people, wich you do not know, support you in your fitness journey. And yes, because of this I am a full time Fitgirl! “

You have not (yet) blog. However, plans for that? 
“I didn’t really think about that yet! But it’s a good idea tough.”

What is your ultimate way to stay healthy / strong / fit? 
“I train 5 to 6 days a week and make sure I always prep my meals for the day. This ensures that I know exactly what I eat. I also have a lot of discipline built up in the past years, so I can really drill myself to train hard and eat well. I have no unhealthy food in the house, because when it’s there it’s gone really fast .. Every week I have one day on which I have a nice, so called, “ cheatmeal ”. For me this is always on Saturday. In this way I can manage to keep eating clean the whole week and work up to saturday. My favorite cheats are Dora cookies (yes really) and Nutella. In addition, it is always nice when you have a partner who does the same and is in to this fitness lifestyle too. This allows you to continuesly support each other and understand what the other one is doing.

What are you most proud of of your body? 
“The standard answer might often be ‘my butt, but I think I’ll choose my upper body. The ultimate test for myself always was that I should be able to do pullups and chin-ups without difficulty. Especially for women this is very hard. So I had to train a lot for it, but I managed to do it. and sometimes I even let the guys behind me with this haha! “

What is the most striking reaction you have ever had?
“Pfoe, that’ a good question. The strangest reaction I’ve ever had was, “You have such beautiful feet! Can you PLEASE send a photo of your feet, I love them. “ Foot fetish? “

You are also a model. What is the best job you’ve ever done? 
“The best job I’ve ever done was for Thermen Holiday Netherlands. The photos are published throughout the country. And are on all the busses and subways in South Holland. It’s funny to see yourself on it haha! “

Great! We saw you are a body engineers member right? Does this mean your ideal man also needs to be pumped up? haha
“I happen to have a muscled man yes, haha, but I do not think that’s a must. When we were in the beginning of our relationship, the both of us were not muscular or in shape.   I fell in love with his sweet character and way of thinking. You can have a killer body, but if your personality is shitty, it’s nothing to hold on for me. Personality over looks. “

What has 2016 in store for you? 
“This year there is a lot of positivity and health in store! A year in which I make my debut at FIBO in Germany and at Salon du Body Fitness in Paris, France. Something which means a lot to me. Really looking forward to this! “

Wow, good luck! Enjoy it to the full and thanks for your story! We’re going to follow you for sure, also on Facebook! 😉

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